Friday, May 3, 2013

NewFOs for April

I am actually going to remember to link up this month- I ALWAYS have a New FO going on, I just never remember to link up! 
In April I was rather busy with the Volunteer Party- I made rice hot/cold packs for the volunteers (I used Lori's tutorial over at Bee in My Bonnet) but I can't seem to find a picture :( I just realized the extras are lying on the table so I can take a picture!

I called them Hot Lead/ cold Feet packs to go with the movie theme

I also started some bags

and made a blueberry (AC wanted everything blueberry for his birthday and since my fabric for his gift wasn't here yet I made a blue berry) 
Him and Bernard the blueberry are rather silly
 I also made a scrap bag and pin cushion- just for me!
I got the Debbie Mumm fabric for my birthday
and started a memory tie quilt for a friend
I have since found a much better fabric for the background
I even have a plan in mind for the tie quilt- and may be able to work on it this weekend.All these projects are finished except the Tie Quilt-I got more done than I thought, I should do this more often. 
Have a great day!Oh by the way, I am linking this up with Cat Patches NewFO Party! Cat Patches


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