Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Hope Sew

I have been working on transforming half of my bedroom into "The Studio"  and will do a reveal post soon. Yesterday I was hanging a shelf and decorations and just had to share my project. 
Originally I planned to just hang the word "hope" on the wall alone.  It is my favorite word - anchored in faith. Not just an empty "hope it rains" type hope but knowing that my heavenly Father has every thing in control and will never do anything that's not for my good and His glory. 
I bought this sign at Hobby Lobby because it was on sale (I also bought hope, faith and love for the nursing home) but they were out of the other words. It's been hanging on another wall, never where I really liked it. 
I hung it up and didn't like it all alone, decided it needed something.  Then I remembered a picture frame I had purchased for my room but never used. But what to put in it?  I mused on that for a few minutes : maybe a picture of my kidlets,  maybe a quote about hope.  I went on my merry way and then I  looked up at the lone word Hope and said oh I hope so...  And decided that's what needs to be in my frame. 
I used a piece of fabric with sewing trims and some of my chip box letters from K&Company (I love these letters)  a small piece of card stock and a gluestick.  Took less than 10 minutes but I LOVE  it. 


  1. It's beautiful! Thanks for sharing your faith!

  2. Oh that tuned out too cute! Absolutely perfect!

  3. Hi Bobbie!

    You won my Sew Mama Sew fabric flower headband giveaway:

    Could you contact me so I can send it to you?


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