Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Lovely Lugubrious Day

Click here for music  just don't forget to come back!

 It would be such a perfect day for staying home, curled up with a book and a cuppa tea or sewing, maybe a little of both! This song, along with Singing In the Rain, always gets stuck in my head on days like this.  Since I am working both jobs today, I won't be doing any sewing or reading until after 8:30pm. But hey! I am getting paid to be here and I will enjoy this day! I do love rainy days!

'Tis Thursday and I actually remembered to take Teacup pictures before leaving the house! A lovely stack of teacups- these were hanging on the plate rack, so the saucers were not in reach- I really need to put them in reach.

It is also the end of the month and I did *not* get to quilt my runner last night.
The pattern is Verna's Garden
from Moda Bake Shop
  #1 the batting I got at the thrift store yesterday was small pieces rolled inside a pillow size piece- not big enough for the runner.
  #2 After I got home from the Kings Kids Awards Night- I was exhausted! It was fun and the Kids worked really hard this year. I am so proud of them. Tired, but proud!

The Christmas Train is at the Station

I did, however, find something I started a while ago that I finished for a Christmas present! This little box used to be a Cricut Cartridge Box. I don't keep my cartridges in the boxes, but couldn't bear to toss such a nice box out. I used scrap book paper, stickers, hymnal pages and graphics from The Graphics Fairy and a wee bit of Mod Podge to cover it. I am sure Jo will be able to use it for her drawing pencils or something!

I used it to carry my squares for Aunt Sukey's Block

NewFO Challenge
I also started a NewFO - Kristen over at Meadowbrook is making 366 blocks in a year and I loved Aunt Sukey's Block, so I decided I *had* to make a table topper.  I just got the squares cut at 2 and a half inches and realized I forgot to add the allowance for the HST's- I do not think my block will be 12 inches, unless of course I decide to start over (probably not happening)- I may have to convert it to a 10 and a half inch ish block :) I did sketch the topper and write down which squares and hst's are needed- I do so love graph paper!

Tomorrow, we shall see how much I get done after work tonight.... maybe I'll have a friday finish? I also have some Memorial Day Picnic Pix to share. If I don't get anything done I'm sure I'll find *something* to talk about! :)
Thank You to Karen at Sew Many Ways
for teaching me how to make my signature!
Enjoy your Thursday!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I should have made the box pictures a wee bit bigger

  3. I have a couple of boxes like that I want to cover with some neat paper too. Just haven't taken the time. Good idea.

  4. The covered box is perfect! :)


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