Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tips from friends!

Don't you just love it when a handy dandy tip from a friend really and truly works? Sometimes the tip works but not quite the way you thought it should. Sometimes it just doesnt work AT ALL.   I have been working on a project with Sistermine, AbbyDoo and MySweetMommie and I can't wait to show you the finished product- of course that means I have to finish the product first.... It is nearing completion and the tip I got from SewCalGal (I think it was in Leah Day's Video) is the reason that my free motion quilting went smoothly (which is amazing in itself) *and* I made cool loop-de-loos and squiggles with out fighting with my machine! I can't wait to try it on Granny's Domestic Bliss- this will definitely help with the "writing" on the borders.  I still don't have the opened toed foot for my machine and just used my zigzag foot- which means I can't really see where I am going, so the smaller hearts aren't quite right - in fact one kinda looks like a bird instead of a heart.
the larger hearts were MUCH easier to see

"I am sure it was supposed to be a bird-
 I actually meant to do that"

 On the whole, I had a lot of fun stippling and squiggling and looping- there was no growling or snarling (well, I did snarl *a  little* when the bobbie bobbin ran out) I always seem to type my name when typing bobbin- bobbie  did run out ...of energy and had to go to bed. LOL
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you the tip- careful now- it is an incredibly difficult thing to do and very technical- are you ready? Here it is!
"set the stitch length to zero"
Now wasn't that hard? *giggle* - then you can go forward and backward and side to side and don't have to shove the whole quilt back and forth through the arch 842 times! I didn't even drop my feed dogs. I can't show you the whole project yet- tis a Mother's Day gift, but here are a few peeks at my fun FMQ! Be sure to check out SewCalGal's Free Motion Quilting Challenge- I haven't joined the challenge, I am just watching at the sidelines, but after last night's fun I may have to jump in! She also has alot of other cool stuff on her blog and she has Shamu on her banner (which just makes her even cooler!!)

Tea Cup Thursday has been moved to Friday- I forgot to grab a cup before leaving the house!
But you can visit these others who remembered!
Atteatude and Chocolate* and of course our wonderful Hostess Miss Spenser*


  1. Welcome! I am finally getting around to welcoming New quilters to the NEW Quilt Blog Linky Party! Welcome!
    Thanks for adding the button for others to find it!
    Enjoy your day!

  2. let's see if this works now............... your Blogs r just "RAD" love them



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