When I was a little girl, Easter was always on somebody else's birthday, or the day before or day after my birthday, but never *on* my birthday. It was on my cousin's birthday- April 7th when we were 11 and then again when we turned 22, but never on mine! {little girl sigh} Easter was finally on my birthday in 2007! I was very excited! I looked it up and discovered that the next time it would be on my birthday would be the year 2091! This year at Christmas, SunshineBoy and I were making a calendar with all the family birthdays and lo and behold Easter was on my birthday again! I checked two or three sources to make sure I wasn't reading the calendar wrong, but somehow I missed it when I checked back in 2007! If you want to check yours - here is the handy dandy list I used.
Hey Vicki- your next Easter birthday will be in 2075-
We will be One Hundred and One- I mean you will be One Hundred and One- I will be 25
(for the 76th time.)
When I was little, I wanted Easter to be my birthday because I'd get extra candy. Which, thinking back probably wouldn't have happened- I probably would have received less. Now, I am honored to share my birthday with the day we celebrate our LIVING Saviour! Resurrection Sunday awesome! Jesus proved He was the Messiah by defeating death and Hell!
O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
Four years ago, my sister gave me the best birthday present ever- My nephew A.C. was born on the 10th. My gift was a little late but that's OK! I keep asking what Sistermine is going to do to top that gift but she won't answer. :) A.C. knows that his birthday is right after Aunt Bobbie's. Last year, he told everyone "I'm Aunt Bobbie's present." It is so fun celebrating together! We got to have a pool party this year.
Sunshine Boy made A.C. a card |
For some reason, I seem to make a special cake for fourth birthdays, so A.C. got a Rainbow cake - he loves rainbows! According to 3yo Emmabean, Dora likes rainbows so Emmabean tho't I should put Dora on the cake too! Since A.C. isn't fond of Dora, I declined. It was a fun and easy cake to make- just cool whip and candy and Sprinkles!
EmmaBean wanted a kiss so A.C. kissed her on the forehead.
They are the best of friends as well as Cousins! |
I made this funny bunny for Emmabean |
For my birthday I received lots n lots of fabric and spent all day Monday sewing and playing. I have been busily "bolting" my fabric and it has been fun rediscovering fabric I have forgotten about. My studio is going to look like a fabric shop for Cinderella's mice! I also tried to reduce a 12 inch block pattern to a 9 inch block pattern.
face blurred to protect the despicable |
I did a test block with scrap fabric first. Now Sistermine has a very cute 8 inch Daffy block for our Scraffy Daffy quilt. I decided to keep my Cathedral star at 12 inches.
Very simple Cathedral window tutorial from
April Mae Designs - scroll past the Hello Sun Quilt Along
( if you can- I am making it for Sunshine boy- don't tell)
The Cathedral Star tutorial is at the bottom of the page |
For Teacup thursday tomorrow, I will be sharing a very special Birthday gift! See you tomorrow!